Binky Wars
4:29 PM
Let me tell you something we don't feel bad about doing as parents - letting our daughter have her pacifier. Or binky as we call it.
Oh, binky.
The dreaded, but also very loved, binky.
There was a point when Tim and I decided that we wouldn't introduce a binky to Brynlee because we didn't want to deal with breaking her off of it. Well, that didn't go as planned. Between nurses suggesting it at the hospital ( to calm herself down because we we're allowed to hold her. ) and then everyone shoving it in her mouth the second she cried ... it sort of became one with her. And after awhile we kind of just said screw it and let her have it. I know, great parenting skills.
Oh, binky.
The dreaded, but also very loved, binky.
There was a point when Tim and I decided that we wouldn't introduce a binky to Brynlee because we didn't want to deal with breaking her off of it. Well, that didn't go as planned. Between nurses suggesting it at the hospital ( to calm herself down because we we're allowed to hold her. ) and then everyone shoving it in her mouth the second she cried ... it sort of became one with her. And after awhile we kind of just said screw it and let her have it. I know, great parenting skills.
Fast forward to today- Brynlee is two and she still has a binky in her mouth just about 24/7. Taking away the binky has not been a battle I have been ready to take on yet. But I mean... would you try to tackle that with a small toddler, moving multiple times, a newborn, and trying to keep yourself together? She used it for comfort and with everything that was going on I just didn't have the mind set to do it.
Brynlee playing in our new LuLaRoe box!
We didn't mind, but obviously others minded. Because that's how parenting works, right? If someone isn't criticizing you for something you are doing it wrong! There have been... many things said about Brynlee and her trusty binky, sometimes people are even brave enough to pull it from her mouth and take it from her. That is.. until she starts crying and then everyone wants to know where her binky is. Funny how that works, huh?
It's a battle we have been fighting for some time now.
Isn't she too old for that? Which is no by the way.
When are you going to throw that thing away!?
I can't understand her with that thing in her mouth! Jokes on you, pal. You can't understand her even when it's out of her mouth! (This was before her talking was understandable)
But the thing is, it's our war. It can be tough and annoying at times, but it's something we will deal with as a family. As her parents. When we are ready. And yeah.. we don't feel bad for it.
Isn't she too old for that? Which is no by the way.
When are you going to throw that thing away!?
I can't understand her with that thing in her mouth! Jokes on you, pal. You can't understand her even when it's out of her mouth! (This was before her talking was understandable)
But the thing is, it's our war. It can be tough and annoying at times, but it's something we will deal with as a family. As her parents. When we are ready. And yeah.. we don't feel bad for it.

So, to all of us binky baby moms I just want to say - long live the damn binky! May we let our babies use them in piece. And godspeed for the day we try to take it away.