Toddler Beds and Potty Training Catastrophes.
7:04 PMWe are facing the age with Brynlee as she goes through many changes - big changes. She is turning into a big girl right before our very eyes, even though we will deny it for as long as we can. A few new things in her little world is her toddler bed and potty training. One has gone a lot better than the other, bet you can guess which.
As I sit here trying to blog I can hear Brynlee in her room playing with her toys- she is suppose to be napping. That is the joy of having a bed you can get in and out of, right? Hopefully...eventually.. she will crawl back into bed and take a nap. Naps... also a new thing we recently added into our routine again. She gave them up awhile ago, but has decided she likes napping. Me on the other hand? I can't decide if I like naps. I mean, I LOVE naps, but most times Brynlee turns into a little demon once she wakes up. I do like the little break, though.
Our first night of transitioning into the toddler bed was a mess. A disaster. She played and screamed and cried.. for hours. When she fell asleep she woke up soon after and cried some more. Eventually she brought her big bear next to the baby gate and slept there the rest of the night. We knew we were in for quite a ride for the next few weeks. Second night wasn't as terrible- she slept a bit more and only slept on the floor half of the night. From there it went either very well or very bad. I spent most nights putting her down to sleep and stocking up on food, water, and baby bottles so I didn't have to pass by her room. If I did, I would have to make a ninja style mad dash out the door and around the corner while trying not to step too loudly to avoid creaking floors.
On the bright side of things I absolutely love the fact that if she's up before me, which is rare, or if I'm still trying to get up after a rough night, she can play contently in her room until I go get her.
We decided to go the "play until you pass out" route for a few reasons:
1. Brynlee is really smart and independent. We knew that she would be more acceptable to this change if we did it a way that would fit her personality.
2. Going in there and constantly putting her back into bed and telling her to stay in bed OR staying in there with her until she fell asleep didn't seem too appealing. And we also didn't want her to get use to us being in there with her. See, there is a method to my madness.
Anyway, that is going pretty well for the most part. Now, potty training on the other hand..
Brynlee started to show interest in wanting to use the big girl potty (does anyone else say the word "potty" instead of restroom/ bathroom now?) So I was like yeah what the hell, let's potty train. The same time we are trying to transition into a toddler bed. Because I'm insane.
My potty training method is let her run around naked with a few training potties here and there. It's messy, but it's a fast method which is what I was going for. So I would strip her down to her birthday suit and load her up on juice and water and try to guide her to her potty when she needed to go. It was kinda hit or miss.. mostly miss. She successfully using the potty once (and then freaking out because she thought she did something wrong) it kind of went down hill. No, it completely went downhill. It went downhill, crashed into a wall, and caught on fire.
Because do you want to know what happens when you have two under two babies, a business to run, and other crap to do? Crap. Crap everywhere. On the floor, on the bed, possibly on the wall. It was a craptastrophe! I realized I was just not ready to take on another transition and neither was she. So needless to say, we put that on hold. And while that is on hold I am considering putting duct tape around her diaper to keep her from taking it off.
Moral of the story? None really, but a word of advise from an overwhelmed mom - don't try to master to BIG changes at once.
Girl I have been where you have been. Yes, try not to do too many big changes at once but at the same time maybe she will potty train and sleep by herself at once. Wouldn't that be the best? My 7 year old is smart as well. I remember taking her camping when she was little and she would tell me when she would want me to take her into the tent and that it was time to sleep. I was so happy because my other 3 children never did that. I also had my kiddos walk around in underwear or naked while the potty trained. Summer is the perfect time for that. I wish you the best of luck. She will get it before you know. Your an amazing mom. :)