No Competition

2:09 PM

Fellow mommas,

I promise you motherhood is not a competition- there is no gold medal or first place at the end of the day. You don't have to lie about things you do because you think admitting it makes you a bad mom. You don't have to try to one-up every conversation because you want to prove you have worse struggles and are having a rough day. All that does is make the other mom think you are kind of a jerk or it makes her feel bad about herself because she was struggling that day.

You don't have to try to prove you are a "better mom" with all of your organic foods and breast is best mind set. Or that your child is so well behaved and the fact that someone else's child isn't - they must be doing something wrong. Because I'd like to point out that children come into this world with their own minds. We may be able to shape them, but they are still able to think for themselves. And some children are just jerks. Cute, little jerks. 

It doesn't matter if you are a boy mom, girl mom, or mom of twins. Do you know how many times I've heard "You're lucky you have a girl because..." Because what? Do you not know my child? My sweet, funny, smart, beautiful little girl? She's the freaking devil and comes with her own set of difficulties. Being a girl doesn't stop her from pulling off her diaper and smearing poop everywhere. 

We ALL have different struggles and different strengths. We've ALL been through the stages of sleepless nights, teething, cranky babies. We've ALL gone without showers and eating for days at a time.

Instead of thinking how to show a fellow mom how much harder you have had it why don't you just let them know that you are thinking of them during this tough motherhood time. Tell her she's not alone because your day sucks too. And instead of trying to prove how much of a better mom you are why don't you let your fellow mom know how much you think she rocks - because she's doing the best she can.

It's no competition, we are all really pretty amazing. And all that matters is that you are doing what you think is best, the best that you can, and that you love your little ones with all of your heart. And I take it back.. there is always a first place at the end of the day. It's all of us and it's through our children's eyes. That's what matters.

Let's share tips and tricks! Let's go get coffee and chat about all the hilarious and unfortunate stuff that our crazy children did today. Let's lift each other up and drag each other by the hand when we think we can't go on. Let's just be friends.

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  1. I loved this girl. It is so very true that motherhood is no competition. I love having a few amazing moms that I share what I'm feeling or going through. The amazing thing is that they all have been through what I've been through or going through. My children all go through so many stages. They are constantly changing, challenging, and testing my patients. Parenthood is hard but so rewarding. I'm so glad that they are always changing as individuals. I think we as adults do so as well. Thank you for being so real.:) Your an amazing mommy.
