Day in a Life of a Stay at Home Mom: Part 2.

7:54 AM

Awhile back I did a post about what my day as a stay at home mom looked like from morning until night.
It was fun, crazy, and tiring with just one lunatic baby, but now we've added another one. So want to see what a day looks like for a mom with two babies under the age of two? Let's take a look.  One thing is for sure,  it's a lot harder to document your day with pictures with two babies. I did my best.

April 12th 2016

4:55am- Feeding sweet Balen. Feeling thankful that the second night into our toddler bed switch Brynlee did 10 times better than the night before. She only woke up twice, fell out of bed once, and slept on the floor for only half the night.

5:45am- Finally putting Balen down to sleep and going back to bed myself and then instantly regretting it because I know for a fact Brynlee will be awake shortly.

6:15am- I've been laying here for awhile wondering how long I can get away with leaving Brynlee in her room so I can go back to sleep. Maybe I can just slip her some food and the iPad and call it a day? Too much?( gasps from all soon to be moms / new moms from being appalled I'm considering such a thing! )

Brynlee knocked her baby gate down on top of her so that's the cue to start the day.  And I'm going to take advantage of the fact that she wants to hang out in bed and watch cartoons. I love my baby girl snuggles! But I'm not loving these snot rockets coming out of her nose. One baby  with a cold automatically means two babies with a cold.

"Don't touch the baby, he's sleeping."
"Okay, smacking counts as touching."
"That's okay, honey. Balen doesn't need his binkie shoved in his mouth."
"Or those crackers."

7am- Balen is ready to eat and this momma is ready for some coffee.
I have mastered the art of preparing my cup of coffee and his bottle of milk and getting them done at the same time. #momgoals.

7:30am- Attempting to do some work while the little man hangs out with me. And realizing how much work we have to do between now and our double parties this weekend. I need to stop procrastinating.
I won't, but I need to.

8:30am- Folding the laundry so it can sit at on the floor by our bed until it needs to be washed again... because I was tired of it being on the bed for two days.

9:00am- More coffee and more milk. This is my life.

Attempting to put Balen down for a nap. Attempt failed.
This face! I have no idea where he gets it from.

10am- Maybe if I hold you you will go to sleep? Answer - no.

10:15am- Brynlee is throws a fit because I wanted to get dressesd.

followed by-
throwing a fit I left the room. ( even though she tried dragging me out moments before )
throwing a fit I picked up her brother.
throwing a fit I wouldn't let her leave the sink on.
throwing a fit because I wouldn't let her have coffee.

P.s. remember to take chicken out of freezer.

11:45am- Every time Balen eats - drink a cup of coffee , got it.
Nap time? Still no. Wondering how it is humanly possible this baby doesn't like to nap.

P.s. remember to take chicken out of freezer.

"Please don't sit on your brother."

12:40pm- You know that game where you have to put all the pieces in before time runs out and it explodes?

House cleaning with toddlers.

1:30pm- Hiding. Because I'm hungry. Yeah, I really do this. It is the only way I get a snack in.

Next attempt to put him down for a nap.

NAP TIME!! I DID IT!! It took 7 hours, but I did it. Seriously what infant stays awake for that long?!

2pm- Hanging out with my favorite girl. I blame those stupid five little monkeys for what's happening here. But I'm going to let her have her fun.

2:30pm- Will today be the day I put the dishes away?

P.s. I forgot to take chicken out.

3-4pm- The turning point. I tend to black out from all the tantrums and crying for both babies.

5pm- Dinner time. I slaved over my hot oven for hours! Just kidding, it's pizza. It's always pizza.
Pizza ends up on the ground. Wonders why I even bother to try and feed this child anything but fruit snacks and pretzels.

Chase around toddler for next 45 minutes to get her into the bath.

6pm- Bath time! Our favorite time of the day. Must be nice to be able to take a bath.. I don't know what that's like.

7pm.- One going down and one to go- bed time for Brynlee. It's night 3 on our toddler bed and hopefully a smoothly since I'm solo today. Just in case I'm stocking up on snacks, formula, water, and Netflix so I don't have to leave our room. It's a danger zone out there.

Yes, I'm watching One Tree Hill. Don't judge me.

From here on out its cuddles for my baby boy, blogging (even thought this is going to take me days to post) , and waiting for my sweet husband to come home. My days are extra full of cuddles, crying, laughing, diaper changes, and all the inbetweens. It's exhausting, it's humbling, it's crazy, and it's mine.

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