Home Sweet Home!

10:23 AM

Now that our new home is kinda put together I'm ready to share a few pictures! Who knew how hard it is to move and unpack a house when you have a little human running around getting into everything?! Oh and also 36 weeks pregnant. Hah!

Oh and funny story.. someone dropped the ball on getting the gas turned on in time so we had no heat / stove / hot water for the first weekend. Nice going, Ashley!
That's right, it was me.

Trying to decide which room she wants ( I told her she should take the bigger one )


Anyway, over the last couple of weeks in our new house we have already decided we just love it so much. Even with all it's little quirks! Like the million of light switches and not knowing what they belong to. The fact that if you want a shower you have to choose between hot water or a warm house afterwards ( sometimes, not all the time, the water won't heat up if the heat is on. ) Or sometimes when you are showering the water gets SUPER hot for no reason. And when you step outside to our backyard you have to go down a spiral stair case, but it looks a liiittle shady because there isn't really a balcony, just stairs. Thankfully we have a side gate so we just go in that way.

Our home is quirky, but it fits us and we love it. Also, it is massive! We are pretty positive our bedroom is about half the size of our last apartment.

Here are some pictures of what has been accomplished so far! Welcome to the Moore's!

 First few days of the move Brynlee's room looked like this. Which let's be honest, is pretty normal anyway.
But I got it together! Finally! 

Static hair and ball pits! Couldn't ask for more!

 Custom made baby gate that is bolted into the wall. Thanks, dad! 

 The living room! Soon to be completed with a couch and TV. And with a bunch of cool posters and projects. 
 My first of million picture clusters. So much space, so many pictures, so many ideas!
 Anyone who knows me knows how excited I get when I see a good sized kitchen. 
I have space in this one! And we have a fridge that actually fits food! It's a good life.

This sweet little monster exploring her new back yard. 
We will be putting a sandbox and a few other cool things back here! 

There is so much space in here and we have no idea what to exactly do with it all. So we are taking it little by little, but it is so much fun! I've never decorated our places, but since I know this is our semi permeant home for the next couple of years I decided to take a swing at it. Don't fail me now, Pinterest! 

What are some of your favorite home projects? Let me know! 

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  1. Love your new house. Its hard moving. Glad you moved before you had your baby. Love your living room wall. It looks so pretty. It sure looks like your little one loved he backyard. I hope you will make many great memories in your new home. :)
