New Year New Beginnings

8:50 PM

I started off writing this blog post full of irritation and negative thoughts towards 2015. I've just been sort of irritated how this year was. It was like every single time we started to get ahead something happened and knocked us off our feet.

In fact, we got knocked off our feet so many times we had to leave our apartment and move in with family just to get back up.

The year 2015 wasn't very pleasant in a lot of ways, but after I sat down and really looked back on this year.. I realized I have so much to be grateful for and maybe this year wasn't so bad. Also, it could of been a lot worse and I'm in no position to complain.

I completed my first full year of motherhood! And it was full of laughter, tears, frustration, adventures and so much love. I learned so much and paved my own way in this mothering world and I'll give my horn a little toot (because every mom should) I'm damn good at this job!

And we decided we were indeed crazy enough to start all over again by the time our daughter was 9 months old.

My amazing husband worked so hard and landed an amazing internship for next summer at EY, which will be a huge stepping stone for him and his career once he graduates. He amazed me time and time again over this last year with his hard work and dedication. It's not easy, but he never gives up.

It's pretty cool to be look up to your husband!

I decided to take a leap into the It Works world late this year. I had to be a stay at home mom because I couldn't find a job that paid well enough for day care and to have some left over for bills, and I thought... why not? What did I have to lose? a $100? But what if I take off in this business? What if I turn that $100 into $10,000? I'm not near that amount, but its a goal for the next year. I have gotten a lot of odd looks and comments about starting in this business, but I have refused to let that discourage me. And I'm glad because all my hard work is about to pay off.

And I started this blog!! When I started it was just as an outlet to talk about what I felt about motherhood, but boy did this take off. I wanted to say a quick thanks to all those who read and continue to read these rambles. I've loved all the comments and messages I've received from fellow moms, soon to be moms, and newly weds. You guys are awesome.

So yeah, 2015 knocked us down a lot, but it also gave us so many great memories and opportunities to pave our way for a better year. And as much as it sucked, I'm so grateful for everything we went through and learned. I'm so grateful to have such an amazing husband to hold my hand through these hard times of our young and broke years. I'm positive one day we will look back on all of this and laugh.

We are starting the year of 2016 with a BANG. Because that is how us Moores do things around here.

Tuesday we got the keys to our new place! This little house is where we will be making a home for the next 3-5 years. We move in long as our movers are not too hung over.

The following weekend my awesome aunt and mother in law are throwing us a small baby shower for little boy Moore. Which is just wonderful because we still haven't started our stock pile of diapers and wipes! Haha. Yep, procrastination at it's finest over here.

In between the two weeks that follows we will be preparing for our son! Which mostly means we will be searching for all the screws and bolts for swings, bassinets, and other baby crap. Also, trying not to panic at that fact we will really have two babies under the age of two. 

Our due date will be picked sometime in the next week and will be kept secret except for our parents.
Sorry, everyone! You will just have to wait and see when he will make his grand appearance. I find it super odd and unnecessary to post constantly about every moment in the hospital up to birth.

And that's all just in January! I'm very excited and nervous for this new year and what it holds for our family.

So to prepare for a crazy month I am currently hanging out with my husband on the couch, grubbing on Mac n Cheese, and watching Dexter. Parenting life at it's fullest.

Brynlee was full of cuddles today! This momma did not complain.

I wish all of my friends and family the best of this new year. I can't wait to see what the year holds for all of you! Remember you are all so amazing and are capable of amazing things.

Here is to a great new year!

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  1. Sooo what date HAD you picked before little man decide "nope!" ? I love reading your posts and please know that you are very inspiring❤️

    1. The doctors had me scheduled for the 29th of January!
      Thank you so mucu, Julie!!💕

  2. Totally agree that you should be doing what you think will help your family. Even if you get bad looks. Hope this year will be a great one for you. Full of adventure and love.
