Memories Over Gifts.

11:44 AM

Every year I see it - people posting and asking about places hiring so they can have extra cash to spend on their family for Christmas. I feel like I can sense the sadness in their typed words in hopes for some miracle to give their family the best Christmas ever.
I breaks my heart every time.

So I wanted to share my own little insight on this. You may find me wrong or this may help you out this holiday while you are struggling with cash and gifts.

First off I want to say - You're not alone.
And by that I mean - hello, I'm Ashley and I'm broke like you!

My husband and I have never been ones to spoil our child. 90% of her toys have been handed down by older cousins and a lot of her clothes are purchased at consignment stores.
We don't constantly buy new toys for her, but don't get me wrong, I do get her a little somethings every once in awhile when we go to Wal Mart or Target. I'm a mom after all.

 Adorable bear jacket and Alice in Wonderland shirt - $8 in total
Little snow suit (overall pants and jacket) - $15 in total.
This would of been $30 or more anywhere else!

Shopping... in her PJs because that's the type of mom I am sometimes.

Why are we like that? Well, it started off because we were broke and then continued into us being broke. I mean, we were newly married, newly parents, and students.. of course we don't have money. Is that like a thing? To not be broke in your early 20s? The last 3 or 4 Christmas we have had together we have never even boughten each other anything. But I mean... I'm a sweet gift enough, right?

And this fact about us has never bothered me. Our baby girl is more than well taken care of and we are giving her the best life possible. We spoil her, but in love, adventure, and knowledge. 
I like to personally think she likes to play outside more than inside with toys. Could be right.. could be wishful thinking.. I'll ask her one day.

It never bothered me until last Christmas. It was Brynlee's first and as new parents we wanted it to be so magical, who wouldn't?! But we were broke, had a lot of bills coming up, and probably just fixed my jeep for the millionth time that year. 

I was sad and frustrated that we couldn't go into a store and go nuts on every baby related item they had and wrap them up for her. Not to say she didn't get anything for Christmas, she is very loved by her whole family so she received gifts. But it's not the same when it's not from your parents. 

Anyway, we ended up getting a few tiny gifts to stuff her stocking - teething toys, socks, pacifiers, and things like that. Christmas morning came and the look of amazement and confusion on her face from a cool oversized sock filled with goodies being stuck in front of her took all my negative thoughts away. 

Watching her took them away because
1. She didn't care after a second because she wanted to play with Dexter, our cat.
2. I was reminded it wasn't about the gifts.  Hello, Grinch. 

This year we are in the same boat - we are getting back on our feet at the moment and all of our hard work from the last few months will hopefully be going towards a big, beautiful, perfect townhome on the first. So we are strapped on funds for gifts. We got her one gift - a blow up Mini Mouse ball pit -and that thing is magical. 

And I'm not stressing. 

This has been a hard year for us and we know that next year has plenty of challenges as well. We are in a constant uphill battle right now, but we have so much to be thankful for. 

A crazy, smart, handful of a daughter and a son to be born in 7 short weeks. A father who let us use his home while we got back on our feet, and a great opportunity to get back out in the world. We have each other to push and strive off of to be better and do better. 
I'm thankful to be able to be with my husband and daughter this Christmas when I know so many people can't even do that. 

What are we doing this Christmas? Driving up to Utah to see some of our best friends hopefully and then to see family. To partake in their new Christmas traditions and to start creating our own. To watch Christmas lights and then snuggle together with a movie. Watch Brynlee play in the snow. 
These are the memories I want to remember and the ones I want HER to remember. 
Not being spoiled in gifts, but being spoiled in love by her parents and family. To be spoiled in life by all its beauty and wonder.  I want her to know she is so loved and cared for and that we do what we do to make sure she will always have what she needs.

So for all of you struggling to give the best Christmas possible - remember you still can in different ways. One or two small gifts after a great day and night of family traditions and fun.

Children out grow toys, but they don't out grown memories and love.

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