Mom of the Week: Jennifer
9:14 AM
My wonderful cousin agreed to let me interview her for my very first Mom of the Week post! I wanted to start something a little different for other moms to meet each other and learn something new :).
Hope you all enjoy and keep a look out for messages from me for when its YOUR turn to be featured.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family :
My name is Jennifer but most people call me Jen. I'm 26 years old and married to my high school sweetheart, Ryan. We have a 1 year old named Connor. We recently left the hustle and bustle of Southern California for small town Missoula, Montana. We love it and look forward to many adventures here!
When did you know you wanted to become a mom?
I've always known I wanted to have kids. In fact, I would tell people I wanted 4. Now, not so much. I think it has dropped to 2. I'm exhausted with just 1!
What has been your favorite part about being a mom? Least favorite? :
my favorite part about being a mom would be the instant connection and understanding with other moms. You can relate instantly and can have 100 conversations. Also, that I've been able to understand what it was like to be my mom raising my sister and I as a single mom. Not sure how she survived!
Least favorite would be the lack spontaneity. Everything is so planned now. Life revolves around nap times, bedtimes, child care.
How has motherhood changed you? :
I am selfless. I hardly buy or do anything for myself. But I LOVE getting new stuff for Connor. I thought this would bother me but it hasn't one bit.
What is your biggest fear as a mom? :
Any kind of pain (emotional or physical) that Connor will inevitably experience. It kills me when he bumps his head daily.
What advice do you wish you could give your pre-mommy self? :
Everything is so temporary- good and bad. Bad days will be gone as fast as the good ones. So cherish every moment. I always was told that but never truly understood it until I looked back at old pictures.
What advice has been given to you that has helped you? :
To have an open mind. What you have planned will not happen. Thought nursing would be easy, wrong! Thought Connor would sleep through the night before a year old, wrong! Nothing goes as planned. I think I've finally learned this and acceptance has made parenting so much easier.
What do you think makes you a great mom? :
This is a tough question. I think I am a great mom because of all the little things I do. Reading the same book 10 times in a row because that's what makes him happy, or because I am patient with him when he throws his entire meal on the floor right after I cut it into perfect tiny pieces. (Even though that makes me want to pull my hair out! Haha)
What's one wish your have for your children?:
I want him to have passion for something and know that he could accomplish whatever he wants. I want him to not chase money but to chase passion and realize the important things in life. (Took me 26 years).
Do you ever feel like you have no clue what you are doing? :
Every day. I am lucky I have mommy friends that I can get great advice from!
What is one thing you said you would NEVER do, but you totally do it? :
Let my kid get "germy". Yes, I let him play in the mall play area and he had a blast. Full of germs? Probably. Sippy cup fell on floor? No problem, nothing a quick wipe can't fix.
As moms we can get judged a lot with the things that we do. Have you ever been judged? How did you handle it?:
I'm sure I have. Probably about what food I give Connor. He loves puffs and grilled cheese among other yummy things. Some may thing it's horrible but I don't care. And yes, he tasted delicious chocolate cake with buttercream frosting on his birthday. I handle it by focusing on my own life and no one else's.
What is something you miss about your life before you had children? :
Netflix binging and sleeping in. RIP sleep.
What is your favorite me time thing to do?
Going for a walk or hike and enjoying the outdoors. I do this with Connor as well but sometimes it's nice to experience some quiet solitude in nature!
What is your biggest pet peeve as a mom? :
I don't have many pet peeves (I'm patient and easy-going remember?) But if I had to choose one it would probably be baby safety. Please put your baby in the car seat the right way people!
What other moms inspire you? :
All of my friends are great moms in their own way and I learn something from each one of them. But most of all my own mom who dealt with great adversity raising my sister and I.
How do you want your children to remember you? :
That I am fun and approachable. That's how I remember my mom growing up. I could talk to her about anything.
You can follow this amazing momma on Instagram - @Jenn_Epley
Yay!! Thank you for featuring me!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! It was fun :) thanks for doing it!