Helmet Hair.

1:25 PM

Hey do you remember that time I said I was going to start posting once a week and then didn't? Me too! Well, in my last post I talked about how Brynlee is in a phase of terrible twos and it has only gotten worse. Just about everywhere we go results in me carrying a screaming, kicking, gagging to hold back vomit toddler - but I digress.
I've been busy.

I do, however, have something to finally write about other than toddler tantrums.
Something I've been on the fence about writing for some time, because 1. mom guilt and 2. I don't think we've really told anyone wants going on. But now is a good time as any!

When Balen was still a newborn and a couple months old we noticed he didn't have a soft spot and he had a pretty flat head in the back. I Googled everything under the sun, obviously, but my husband assured me everything was okay. And it totally is by the way, I guess I should mention.
I brought it to his pediatrician's attention a few times, but they said it was fine and that there was a tiny soft spot that I just couldn't really see. Yeah, okay. So feeling uneasy, I switched to a different pediatrician and wouldn't you know.. she pointed out he had no soft spot the first five minutes into her evaluation. She also had a slight concern about his head shape and later determined we needed to be referred to a specialist for a helmet.

And again, he's fine. The whole situation could of been way worse and he could of been diagnosed with  Craniosynostosis, which is what I was worried about since he had no soft spot, but he wasn't and we are very thankful for that. Instead it's just a simple case of plagiocephaly which may have just started in the womb and has gotten worse over time.

 Getting his scans!

I've had the last three months to beat myself up over the whole situation and I'm finally at peace with it. I should of said something sooner, I shouldn't of let him sleep in his swing so much, I should of this and I should of that. And I'm still not 100% sure what caused it so I'm going to use my energy on something more productive than mom guilt. 
It is what it is - our perfectly imperfect sweet boy needs a helmet. 

After consults, scans, and fittings we are finally on our first day of helmet wearing. And it is horrible. As you can tell by picture below, he isn't taking it very well.

Today's schedule is 1 hour on, half hour off, 2 hours on, half hour off, and so on until bed time. 
Tomorrow it's 4 and 5 hours. The day after will just be about all day and so on until we reach a full 24 hour wearing of this ugly blue helmet (which yes... I do plan on decorating.) We are currently on the half hour stretch between the 2 and 3 hours and I think I may be dreading our next session just as much as he is. 

So all my fellow moms with helmet wearing babies... send me some good vibes to get through these next few days until he gets use to his new hot accessory. And anyone who is going to be going through this or is - it happens, it's fixable, and don't waste your little energy you may have on that guilt thats building up. It's all okay! 

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  1. Aww don't beat yourself up mama! My cousin had to do this and I remember my aunt bawling about how she let him sleep in his swing too much (she didn't). It's amazing how hyper critical we are of ourselves! you're doing great! 💛

  2. Good luck! XOXO I know quite a few kids that had to wear a helmet. You definitely need the Helmet Hair Don't Care shirt from Littlest Warrior Apparel!

    1. Yes I do!!!! I'll have to order that for him today :) Thank you!
