My Hands Are Full.

7:42 AM

What do you get when you have two babies under the age of two, the oldest isn't independent (even though she thinks she is), both are full of energy and want all of your attention, and you are their main source of entertainment? Take all of that multiply by diaper changes, divide staggered naps, carry the crazy, and add an additional pure chaos and you have life with two under two!

My hands have been...full.

Oddly enough there are some who think my life is the same as when we had only one kid. And those people are on some amazing drugs because I can assure is a LOT crazier with two.

I've been pretty horrible at blogging lately. And as I was wondering why I haven't been able to keep up, Brynlee dumped dog food all over the floor. Then I realized I've been trying to write this post all day and haven't gotten very far because I keep having to stop. ( and I wrote that two days ago. Case closed. )

Someone needs a diaper change.
Someone is hungry.
Brynlee is screaming.. Which means Balen is screaming.
Luna needs to go outside.
Someone needs a diaper change.
Balen needs a nap.
Something. Something. Something.

Not just blogging, though. I seem to not be able to keep up with life itself at the moment. Just the other morning when I realized it was 8:35 and everyone was still in their pjs, we had a doctor appoint at 9:05, it was 30 minutes away, and we had to be there 15 minutes early.
Que in me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. If that's not the most accurate description of my life I don't know what is.

How in the world do moms with more than one kid do it? What's your secret? Magic? Crack? Pure will power? I have none of that!

Anyway, this was just an I'm still here and blogging, but I kinda suck right now, post.
And to inform all of you wonderful readers that I'm hoping my lack of blogging motivation is just a phase because have lots of stuff in store for this blog in the near-ish future. I'm transferring my blog to a new site! New site, new name, new stuff! Once it launches I will be doing a week long blog posting along with possible guest posts- so if you are a blogger and would like to take a spot let me know!
I've been working on this for way too long. A couple months way too long, but it is finally coming together! I'm hoping to get myself together and have an actual blog schedule. Ya know- adult stuff. So until then enjoy all my Facebook posts of cute babies, how I've possibly lost my mind, and other fun stuff! Love you all!

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