Winging it.

1:25 PM

Motherhood: powered by love and fueled by coffee.

Recently while having a conversation with a friend of mine she asked me how do I do it. 
The taking care of two small babies, running the errands, cooking dinner, keeping up with my business, and all my other odds and ends things- all the while Tim is gone most of the time. Well, to be completely honest I'm totally winging it over here.

My life is complete chaos all of the time. 90% of the day I'm running around my house with a baby attached to my boob. Brynlee and I are pretty much always in our pajamas, accompanied by messy hair. I can never remember the last time I've showered and then it ends up being out off for awhile longer. Our house is...messy (seriously I have no idea how people can keep up with house work with a soon to be toddler... it's like one gigantic play room) "Dinner" is normally easy peasy things like Mac n Cheese (sometimes if I want to be fancy I throw some ground turkey in it) or pizza. And I'm constantly losing my mind.
Not losing it to rage, but I mean this sucker is straight up out of commission as of lately. Which gets worse with exhaustion because I haven't really slept in like 4 weeks.

But on the bright side of not sleeping I've read 2 and a half books and have gotten pretty dang far in Candy Crush so I mean.. it is pretty much a win win for all of us. Also I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already!

Do I have any clue on what I'm doing? Not normally.
I have an ever growing little girl who learns how to cause more trouble and an ever growing little boy who becomes more and more alert each day. I take what they give me and roll with it.
My goal day to day is just to minimize melt downs, care for my babies, teach Brynlee at least one new thing - currently it's to not climb on everything she sees, and to just do my best. That's all there is too it.
Here is the deal- if you try to be the best there is at this whole mom gig you are going to drive yourself nuts. It is impossible because in someone else's eyes you are doing everything wrong.
That may be a little off topic, but it's true none the less.

Anyway I am loving this chaotic life of mine. Our days are filled with so many ups and downs, but each day fills me more with love and teaches me something new.

As we speak both babies are waking up from their naps at the same time (which is a miracle - napping at the same time) and I'm realizing I really should of used this time to shower. But whatever, thank goodness for deodorant.  Lesson learned.

So my adorable pictures may seem like I have everything under control, but most of the time I don't - I'm totally winging this motherhood gig day to day.

A few tips I can provide for all my fellow moms who are adventuring into the two under two club -

1. One baby is going to cry-
It's going to happen and it's going to be okay. You can't tend to both babies at the same time when shit hits the fan. Just take a deep breath and tackle which ever problems needs to be handled first.

2.Team Work-
I'm sure your husband is tired from working, but news flash - so are you. It's not like last time with one baby and it's easy to deal with. Now you have two and guess what? Extra hands are needed. Also, you didn't make these adorable babies by yourself so if he gives you any lip (which he better not) put on your meanest face and tell him he better check himself before he wrecks himself and to go change a diaper.

3. You can't pour anything out of an empty cup-
Mommas.. take care of yourself! This is a whole new world of exhaustion and if you are running low on fumes you need to take a break. 5 minutes an hour.. do it. You are no good to your babies if you aren't mentally present.
This is something I'm working on.

4. Make time for your first born-
You are going to want to just sit and relax sometimes, but don't forget to put in some one on one time with your first baby. This can make things a little better during the times you can't play or do something for them right away.

5. You totally got this-
Some moments are really hard! You'll cry and have break downs just like your sweet babies. Don't worry - cry it out for a minute and pick yourself up. That's what ice cream is for, right? You are a great mom and don't forget it!

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  1. This is perfect and exactly my life! My brain isn't functioning (baby is six weeks old) and my little girl needs my attention and our hair is always going in every direction. One thing I do on purpose to make myself feel like I've done SOMETHING is I do put on nice, clean clothes. Well, clean is relative. It may have spit up on it. But if I'm wearing a new outfit I feel good. I have these awesome shirts I love from that are called "anytime tees" and they're loose so they hide all my squishy skin and the prints are pretty so I feel dressed up!

    I love your advice.

    1. That is one thing I REALLY need to work on- getting myself together. Even if it's just a clean shirt. Sometimes I look at myself and I'm wearing the same thing for a few days haha!! Thank you I will go check those out! I'm always looking for that perfect tee that's cute and comfortableven :)

  2. I loved your advice. Take care of your first born. Whenever I nursed my second child I was always reading to my first. I honestly believe this is why he loves to read so much. I made sure that he never felt left out and did not think that little sister had taken mom away from him.I love how honest you are. All us moms are learning along the way. Your doing great. :)
