My Wishes For You
4:57 PMI have many wishes for you, one of them being to never lose those bright wide eyes of yours. When you get older you will see terrible things, sad things, but I hope and wish that you still keep those bright eyes on something beyond all that. I want you to always look for better and beauty in the world.
A wish to always be fearless.. we see you dive off the couches and run through house obstacles with no sense of limitations. I wish you will always live your life this way, you will accomplish so much. You are such a brave and bold little girl and you can/will do brave and bold things. So far your only fear is the doctors office, but I don't blame you, that place sucks. And for the record I'll go to every single appointment with you even when you are older if you need to hold on to me.
A wish that you always feel confident to be yourself. You are bound to be a little odd, because both of your parents are.. sorry. We wish for you to fully embrace all of your quirks and live life with all the oddballness you have. A wish for you to never have to feel bad about yourself for what some people are bound to say, but if and when it happens.. just know mom and dad are going to hurt whoever hurt you.
A wish for you to be kind, but I'm a little skeptical because you've developed a habit of smacking people..
We want you to grow up to be kind to everyone. Lend a helping hand to those in need and always look for ways to make others smile. We need more people like that in this world, babe, and we think you are the perfect person for that. You already have such a sweet little heart (besides smacking) and we can't wait to see it grow and blossom over the years.
A wish for you to feel loved, always. I know you are not lacking in this department because we are constantly telling you how much we love you and smothering you with kisses, but please never forget it. We love you with every ounce of ourselves we have.
A wish for you to always know your mom and dad would do absolutely anything and everything for you. And that you know you are always going to be our favorite little girl.
And finally, I wish for you to have a great life full of adventure. We don't have much now, but one day we promise to be financially stable. In the mean time I hope we can teach you what it means to not have a lot and still live life to the fullest, to have adventures big and small, to be grateful for the life you have. I wish for you to always seek the unknown and travel the un traveled path and create memories for yourself.
A sweet, sassy little girl with the whole world in front of her. My wishes for you is that you take this world head on.