
Marriage - Year 2.

10:59 AM

When Tim and I started dating we were already considered an odd couple. We were completely different in so many ways, but very similar in others. Perfect mix if I say so myself!

During our first year of dating we - dated, broke up, got back together, moved in together, got engaged, and then celebrated our one year anniversary of dating.

Seems like a short time, right?
It was, but it also felt like forever.
That is what happens when you find the one, time becomes extremely irrelevant.

Never having a dream wedding in mind and truly believing it's not about the wedding day it's about the marriage (I begged Tim many times to just go to the court house haha) , We married a short eight months later with a small and sweet wedding with just family and a couple of friends. The day went unbelievably fast, I had bronchitis (only me, right?), we didn't get to eat the food or our delicious cake, by the end of the night we were curled up in our hotel room with a bunch of room service and stuffed our faces. It was absolutely perfect in every way.

Today is our two year anniversary!
Such a short time to be married, but I truly feel like this is such a great accomplishment when I see so many other young aged marriages fail around us.

When we decided to get married Tim just turned 23 and I was 21-22 when we married. I lost count of how many times I heard "Are you sure?" "Don't you think you two are too young?" "You have so much more growing up to do."

Let me answer all of those; Yes, I'm sure. Still sure, by the way haha.
No, I don't think we are too young.
And yes, we do have a lot of growing up to do and we will be doing it together.

I was even asked a few times if I was getting married because I was pregnant. I said no, but joke was on me because we had our baby girl exactly... to the day.. 9 months later.  *telepathic high five to Tim*

Why do you people ask these things?

Anyway, we went into this marriage ready to grow. We went in thinking of all the cool things we will experience together, not "oh I can't do this anymore because I'm married." We went in knowing there would be changes and sacrifices and not holding any resentment towards that fact. We went in knowing marriage is work. We went in together.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Mindy Kaling? This woman is a genius. 

To me marriage is
Not 50/50 thing, it's a 100/100 thing. Some days your partner is going to give more than you, and some days you'll give more than your partner.
It isn't asking to be shown that you love each other through extravagant vacations and gifts, but knowing through the littlest things.
It is doing things for each other without asking for something in return.
It is being present no matter what. Especially on your bad days.
It is being supportive. I have my husband's back with everything he does and he has mine. Some days that is all we have, so its important to fully support each other.
It is loving through the flaws, like Tim always leaving socks on the floor.
It is loving the differences, like my incredible love for indie and odd movies.
It is building towards your future together.
It is not thinking that giving up is an option.

Our second year of marriage has been filled with hard times and good times.
Small, but great adventures.
Learning.. lots and lots of learning on how to be parents.
It has been filled with stress and worry, but also love and fun to get each other through it.
A lot of crazy pregnancy hormones..again. We are thinking a kid for every year we are married. 
Just kidding! We are seriously done after this one.
It has been filled with memories of the start of a very great and amazing life.

I'm proud of the man he is and who he is growing to be. I'm proud of all his hard work and accomplishments and ability to keep pushing hard to make sure his family is taken care of.
I fall more and more in love with him every time I see him with our little girl.
All in all I'd say I'm a pretty lucky gal to have him.

Happy 2 years, my love. Can't wait to see what the next couple of years has in store for us!

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