Independent Little Lady

10:18 AM

I'm watching this unfold before my eyes daily.

Our daughter has always been very ready to learn new things and ready to learn them quickly. It has been a blessing and a curse..Before the age of one she mastered all the little big things like crawling, sitting, standing, and walking. The things we as parents look forward to them learning because they are such big milestones.

Until they figure out how to open doors and follow you into the bathroom.

Now I watch as our little Brynlee helps me with cleaning the house, picking up her toys when it's time to put them away, throwing things in the trash. - She finally is starting to realize not EVERYTHING goes in the trash, just certain things haha..A moment of silence for everything we've lost to the trash over the last couple of months.

She doesn't really let me feed her anymore, unless she's being lazy, not that I blame her. She has mastered the fork and spoon so what does she need me for?

More and more I watch her as she tries to brush her own hair or brush her own teeth. Just last night I watched her as she tried to open her bath wash to put on her rag to wash herself.

As I cheer her on telling her how awesome she is and how smart I almost wonder if I should just tell her "no don't do that!" just to stop her... thats totally acceptable, right?

How long will it be until she masters these tasks herself and doesn't want mommy's help? When will it be the last time I do these things for her? How much time do I have?

Looking at that statement it seems crazy. She's only a little over a year old (16 months for those who like the exacts) but it goes by so quick these thoughts aren't crazy at all. 
One of these days I'm going to have to let go and let her be more independent...and I'm not ready for that. Is this what the mean by they grow up so fast? I know this last year went by fast, but now it seems more real and understandable. 

I know once we get over this hill into more independence I will appreciate and enjoy it - watching her pick out her own clothes, trying to do her own hair, and so on. But right now it seems so scary. I don't want my baby girl to grow up. I want her to always need me. I need her to always need me. 

This realization of quick independence has made me enjoy the little mundane things a little bit more. Bath time, cashing her around to change her clothes, helping her brush out her hair and or her teeth. 
These will be the things I miss after I blink and the moment is gone.

 Yesterday when we went out to eat at IHOP. Brynlee made friends with the manager.. and by friends I mean she mentioned she was cute so Brynlee wanted her to hold her while she closed out our bill haha. 

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  1. Oh Brynlee. You are too cute for words. Please never grow out of your little mullet. And always keep your adorable wide eyed look of wonder!
